We provide each of our clients a subscription to ThinkHR, Minerals. This service provides us and our clients with on call HR experts who provide advice & guidance. In addition, we have access to several great HR resources to help answer HR questions. We also provide important Compliance alerts and timetables for HR issues to help keep employers compliant!
They provide strong support services in:
- Compliance and regulatory issues
- Benefits and HR administration
- HR resources
- Well-being and health advocacy programs

ThinkHR Member Log-in
Members have unlimited access to:
Live: senior, certified advisors to provide trustworthy guidance to prevent and resolve challenging compliance issues.
Living Handbook: a federal and state level compliant handbook builder that allows the incorporation of unique company policies and delivers policy update alerts as regulations change.
Learn: learning management systems to deliver courses on a variety of topics your employees and organization need to adhere to compliance mandates.
Comply: an extensive resource library including insightful guides, comprehensive checklists, and other invaluable resources to navigate HR, compliance, safety, and people risk management issues.
I would like a trial subscription please!